Thursday, December 31, 2009


Miss C took Panties shopping. It seemed casual enough, it was like shopping with a friend, although she did make a point of speaking so that all within earshot could hear her comments: “I think this bag is perfect for a sissy!” But she wasn’t interested in what Panties might have bought on her own and instead steered Panties to a modest day’s purchases, things a girl might buy: purse, boots, jeans. She taught Panties about pockets and waist size, helping her choose four girl’s jeans and escorting her into the dressing room where they eventually settled on a pair of tight, low rise, boot cut, Malvi Zoes. Later as Panties hung her new jeans in her closet, she realized how she was being imprinted with a girl’s sensibilities. Whereas before she was more obviously aware of panties, heels and skirts, she was suddenly regularly noting the handbags and women’s slacks and leggings on the street and in advertisements. Miss C could (and will) readily dress Panties in bloomers and petticoats, but she had gently expanded Panties consciousness and wardrobe, better equipping her for the years of errands and service to come.
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